Sipping from the cup of Jesus..
There’s always a question of who is superior among people. From the very beginning, this question has led to many fights. Even the first murder happened because of this. Cain killed Abel because God favored Abel’s sacrifice. There’s always a question of jealousy and superiority. Even Jesus’s disciples fought among themselves to find out who was the greatest among them. And all those times, Jesus advised them to serve others in order to become great in the kingdom of God. Jesus, who used to rebuke the disciples when they showed a lack of faith, did not scold them for fighting but instead tried to make them understand. Maybe he understands the thirst of humans to become something great.
Then the mother of
Zebedee’s sons came to Jesus with her sons and, kneeling down, asked a favor of
him. “What is it you want?” he asked. She said, “Grant that one of these two
sons of mine may sit at your right and the other at your left in your kingdom.”
“You don’t know what you are asking,” Jesus said to them. “Can you drink the
cup I am going to drink?” Mathew 20:20-22
Like any other mother
in this world, the mother of James and John wanted the best for her children. She
asked Jesus whether her children could sit at His side when His Kingdom comes.
But Jesus pointed out her lack of understanding about the Kingdom of God and went
on to ask James and John whether they would drink from the cup He was about to
drink. The Sons of Thunder, without knowing the whole deal, agreed to drink
from the cup Jesus was to drink, simply because they wanted to sit on either
side of Him.
We too want to be
seated close to Jesus. We may agree to whatever terms and conditions He puts
forward. What we don’t understand is the process that we would have to take in
order to achieve that. But the point is, Jesus will never discourage you from
striving for greatness. He never rebuked them for having such ambition. He
later on said that even if they had not agreed to drink from the cup He was to
give, He would have given it to them nevertheless. But the question remains:
can we really drink from His cup?
He took Peter and the two sons of Zebedee along with him, and he began to be sorrowful and troubled. Then he said to them, “My soul is overwhelmed with sorrow to the point of death. Stay here and keep watch with me.” Going a little farther, he fell with his face to the ground and prayed, “My father, if it is possible, may this cup be taken from me. Yet not as I will, but as you will.” Mathew 26:37-39
The sons of Zebedee,
who were so eager to drink from the cup that Jesus was to drink, actually slept
through the moment when it came. Even Jesus was overwhelmed by the thought of
drinking from the cup, but his disciples were ready to drink from it. Jesus
prayed to Father three times to take away the cup, but He always surrendered to
the will of the Father. Why is Jesus seated at the right hand of the Father? It's
because He drank from the cup that His Father gave Him. Why is Jesus considered
the worthy lamb of God? It’s because He refused to call on His Father to send
more than twelve legions of angels when people came to lead Him to the
slaughter, just like a lamb.
How can we sit close
by Jesus? By accepting to drink from the cup He gives. But remember, even Jesus
prayed to move the cup from him. We might be ready to drink from the cup he
gives, but when the time comes, we too might pray like him but the more
important part is to surrender to the will of God. Maybe that’s why Jesus sympathizes
with our weaknesses. As we accept to drink from the cup we might have to stop
ourselves from doing things that would upset our God. For instance, we can
might possess the power to abuse others, or might have influential contacts
that could benefit us, but we need to refrain from misusing such advantages.
Instead, we should strive to follow Jesus’ teachings and serve others humbly.
The mother of
Zebedee’s sons could have asked for more than just a seat close to Jesus when
His kingdom came. She could have asked for her sons to be granted the right to
eat from the tree of life, or to receive hidden manna, or even to be given authority
over the nations. Nevertheless, she may have forgotten to ask for such things. However
Jesus is prepared to grant all to these things to those who overcome. These
calls to become great are mentioned in the book of Revelation.
Therefore, it is not
wrong to aspire to become great in the Kingdom of God. However, the more
crucial question is whether we are truly prepared to drink from the cup that
Jesus offers us. Let he who has an ear, let him hear in the QUIVER OF GOD.
May God bless you all..